Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thanks to you we raised more than $2100 for the All Faiths Food Bank!

We love David Schatz!

Viva el bigote! Vive la mustache!


I have noticed a lot of mustaches around campus in the wild, “free-range” mustaches if you will, which were not successfully bagged and tagged and passed on to me photographically, to be part of the official total (*cough* Joe Mink). But below you can enjoy the photos of those we caught and leave comments!

I followed the following rules to determine the official SCHATZENSCHNURRBARTTAGZAHL:

1. In the spirit of inclusiveness for which New College is famous, I counted four mustachioed faces constructed from origami.
2. While many have claimed that Agne Milukaite appeared in two photos in a blatant attempt to be double-counted, and close study of the photos in question do appear to reveal very similar looking woman in each, because she is wearing a disguise (mustache) it proved impossible to know one way or another, so I counted both.
3. I thought Professor Edidin shaving his beard was so awesome that I counted it as two mustaches.

Resulting in the final number:

73 mustaches!

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Please send your contributions to All Faiths Food Bank online right now:

On the next page, after you enter your contribution, put “In honor of David Schatz.” I will call tomorrow to get a total, so get your contribution in now if you want to be counted!

Note: I am continuing to post photos as they come in, although they do not count for the final number.  

Rob West and David Vincentovich Usoff

Aron Edidin!!

Counseling and Wellness Center

Aaron Amram

origami club

Gene Cassidy

Zoe Mirziai etc.

Marilee Pray

David Baker

Wait dude, do I see a beard?


I definitely see a beard there.

Carl Prefontaine

Carl then and now. Note asymmetrical mustache length in picture 2.


Diana Hinova

James Birmingham

Nathan Wilson, and also some other dude

Merry Stache-Mas from Michael Cowgill and Julian Countess

Do I detect some waxing? Niiice.

Agne Peeping Tom

Is that..made of..real hair?

Adam Bresnahan

Why is everything in German when Professor Schatz teaches Russian? Because German is the funniest of languages!

Jeremy Zorn

Natalie Catasus


Amber, Andrew, and...

...wait a second! She's wearing a disguise, but is that Agne trying to get double-counted?!

Matthew Johnston

Char bandito

Charla Bennaji

Tanner Robart

The submitter describes this mustache as "modest," but I think it has a lot of heart. It's kind of the John Stephen Akhwari of mustaches.

Mustache Contemplation

Bill Kingdon

Bill writes "Vielen Dank" which I think means "My mustache is really dank."

Duff Cooper

Rockin' the Zappa.

The Rev. A.R. Cline

Hey, is that guy really a minister?

Morgan Shafter

Alex Fixler

Still Life with Fan

Logan B.


Michael Getz

You don't see photos like this too often.

Michael Waas

Nicole van der Berg

A bit off-center is "in" for mustaches this year.

Kotu Hell

Adam Lubitz

Nicole Robinson

Ann Quinn

Sonia Labrador-Rodriguez & Liza Wisman

Anne and Julia

Mother and child reunion...with mustaches.